Monday, April 29, 2013

Charlotte and the Chimp


Charlotte took her first trip to the zoo on Saturday. One of her favorite parts was making faces with a chimpanzee:

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The April visit from Poppa and Grandma

Once again, we forgot to take pictures while Poppa and Grandma were here in April! And we forgot to download the ones that Grandma took. Fortunately, we have a few from Mom's phone. This was Grandma taking Charlotte for her first ride on a merry-go-round...

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Dahlia's Birthday Party

Dahlia turned one on April 15th. We were very excited to attend her birthday party the day before. And much to Charlotte's excitement, it was at a playground!

The birthday girl!

Loving her cupcake with blue frosting!

Our friend Adah and her daddy, Ben. Our new friend Josephine is hanging in the background.

New friend Izzy