Friday, May 31, 2013

The Grand Finale

Sadly, all shows must end. Much to Charlotte's surprise, this happened at the end of the Sesame show...

And the Sesame show begins...

Charlotte finally got brave enough to offer a high five to Abby!

Sesame Street Live! Waiting for the show to begin...

Mom and Dad took a Friday afternoon off from work to spend some time with Charlotte (before her sister's arrival). Much to Charlotte's delight, we went to see Sesame Street Live. Please excuse all the pictures- Charlotte loves to look at her blog and really loves her Sesame pictures!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Playdate with Dahlia

We had a play date with Dahlia at the Museum and spent some time (for a change) indoors.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day- breakfast and playground fun

For Mother's Day, we headed out to breakfast. Charlotte was thrilled to drink her juice out of the can. We followed it up with a stop at the playground.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Savannah's Birthday Party

Charlotte attended another awesome birthday party to celebrate Savannah's first birthday. On May 3rd, Savannah turned one!